Episode 89

Published on:

15th Feb 2023

"Why Is My Husband So Horny When He Eats Mushrooms?"

One of our amazing listeners submitted this question which we thoroughly respond to in this episode, and in perfect time for Valentines Day! We explore all things sex and psychedelics which includes not only our own experiences but also some experiences of those we've worked with in the retreat space.


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Hey. Hey. Welcome back to another episode of Psilocybin says Sexy.



Psilocybin says, Oh.



Yes, this one is perfect for this Valentine's Day week.



And every other week.



Really true.



Humans don't have a mating season.



It's only on Valentine's Day that we make. We're talking about sex and psychedelics. Thanks to a wonderful listener who submitted an excellent question, which just had us exploring for a full hour. Thank you so much for that.



Yeah, it's a delicate topic that we just got right into, and I think you're going to it allows conversation. It goes a little bit off on a tangent, but a very valuable tangent, and then it circles back.



So stay tuned till the end because it gets.






Super juicy towards the end. Wisdom and yours thanks to yours, you know, bring it back, circle back. So we're we're working as a team on this one. Indeed. So if you enjoy the episode, please do like it. If you're watching on YouTube, comment and let us know what you think. What are your experiences with sex and psychedelics and energy movement too?



You'll see when you listen to the episode, if you're listening on iTunes or Spotify, definitely leave us a review. It helps so much yoga teachers.



Don't be mad. It's just it's just right. I'm not.



It came out wrong. Okay. That's all we'll say right now. So. All right. Enjoy this episode.



All right. Talking about that thing once again. All right. And this is not because Courtney and I wanted to talk about sex on psychedelics. It's because we had a listener writing another question.



And in perfect timing, because it's Valentine's Day time for.






Powwow. So thank you so much for this question. Melody, beloved listener, Should we say your name? It's pretty. Pick that up.



Well, guess what?



I guess it's fine. It's just a first name.






So I was listen to the podcast out loud and, you know, in our house and stuff.



Okay, We can respond to her email and let her know is coming out in this episode.



Yeah. Okay. I already did.



Okay, great. The question created.



All right.



This is a good And.



So Melody asks, What about sexual drive with mushrooms? Why does my husband literally want to fuck the shit out of me every single trip. Every trip exactly the same for him. Complete sexual maniac. I don't want anything to do with sex when I trip and I'm normally very sexual. Therefore, we rarely trip together because he gets frustrated when I don't want to mess around.



It's a problem lol but I genuinely don't understand why it affects him so much. Physically. Very little. Very little emotionally. Because besides just love of course.



Mm. So when she says fuck the shit out of me, do you think she means anal?



Wow, that's taking it to another level.



I wasn't prepared for asking to go there, y'all. This is who knows where this conversation is going to go. We talked a little bit to prep for it about some of our personal experiences and history, but.



There's a lot here. There's a lot here for us. We've been together for almost ten years now and have been eating psychedelics together ever since. So we got a lot.









Deeds and we have a lot of a lot of love and.



Yeah, so I mean melody question is kind of there's, there's many facets to it because there's more questions in order to answer the question like first thing that comes to my mind is, oh my gosh, sex on mushrooms. Can't personally imagine it. However, I know that there there is a select portion of the population that loves that experience.



So but I do wonder, like, what's his dose when this happens? Like how how much mushroom consumption is there and what's your dose when this is happening? That would be my first question.



Yeah, doses. First thing I'm thinking about because even a meager dose or like that one church service here at the house where we did like a quarter of a gram and I was like on the floor in cold chills for like 30 minutes. All right. No, no sex, no having sex there. No, not sexy time. I was even a little and as a lolo, nine.



Point 25 or.



Something. So even kicking it up even higher, there is for me, it's a hard pass. It's like it's like looking at like, I don't know, like a raw steak or something. I'm just like, going to do what with what? That what you have to eat? You mean to touch? What? Yeah.



When you don't even know, like, what your hands are or how to get water or, like, make it to the bathroom. It's. That's a toughie to imagine. Yeah, but, you know, you've experience it in Jamaica. Some people do.



Yeah. Let's, let's, let's hold off on that one because I'm going to I want to ease into that one. That was one of the weirdest like how many times how many weirdest nights of your life can you have? But that was a very weird fucking night.



Lord, if you're a mushroom minister.



Yeah, I guess the only personal experience that I've had with sex on mushrooms was when I was like 22 or so, very young and took like a three gram dose or something like that with my ex-wife. And I don't remember if she took mushrooms or not. I think she didn't because she had a lot of latent trauma and I didn't know what I was doing back then.



And some of that stuff came out in her early trips and it kind of freaked us both out. And so I think she staved off mushrooms after that entirely. But there was one time when I was on mushrooms, for sure I was, and she was pretty insistent on doing the deed. And, you know, I tried to be accommodating and said, oh, it was difficult.



I mean, I like, you know, I persisted, but I was definitely not an active participant. And it was just weird. It just felt weird, weird, weird. So, you know, my personal thing, mushrooms is is no. And what I want to touch on from that question is that she also said that there is no emotional content coming up except for love.



And for me, that kind of begs the question, if maybe there is some stuff that's being avoided, you know, because and you can eat mushrooms more than a handful of times, I can't imagine that you're just always going to experience love and sex, right? Unless you are kind of if there's unless there's something that's kind of stuck, emotionally stuck, unprocessed.



And while I am generally not the the guy to talk to about chakras, it does beg the question of me if in, in that kind of sacral lower region, if maybe there is some kind of energetic block that the mushrooms are kind of pumping energy into or kind of accentuating the energy that's there you know it psychedelic again, mind manifesting, spirit manifesting.



So there's something there to be aware of. And I think you said before we get started recording that this is probably a scenario that would really benefit from a intentionally facilitated.






Mm hmm.



Yeah. Something stood out to me about what she said besides, well, I guess a lot stood out to me about it, but one thing was that they. She said they can't even eat mushrooms together anymore because of how frustrated he gets that she doesn't want to participate in sexual activity with him with the mushrooms and like for me, that again, with the whole manifestation in a psychedelic experience of what's already going on in our lives.



And this is one reason why, as in a partnership, intentionally communing with plant medicine and psychedelics together can be so powerful and beneficial if there's integration works into that. Because yeah, like I wonder, what is this just kind of like a manifestation of what's already going on somewhere, somewhere else in your life. I don't know. Just worth like, what's going about it.



Let me talk about my own challenges around this topic. Having experi insight times in my life when without psychedelics or any substances, finding myself very frustrated at not having sex. You know, I can look back at that now and acknowledge that the frustration was born out of an I gosh, harassed penis down out of not being settled within myself, not being accepting, not being able to be grateful for what I had.



You know, like I know I'm talked a bit about this, you know, especially through experiences with pornography. And that's another question I would be really curious to ask. Melody is, is, you know, if her husband has any kind of a porn habit. But, you know, there have been times in my life when we were very sexual and yet if we didn't have sex, I would get very frustrated, even if we just did the day before or whatever.



And, you know, there were there were multiple, I think, issues that were underlying that. But ultimately, it arose out of not being grateful in the moment, not being present. And some of those last night, how or yesterday, whatever it's and how I can look back now on sexual experiences with like a fondness whereas previously I have looked back on those experiences with frustration, like, why isn't this happening still?



Right? Like, why aren't we having sex right now? Or are we going to have sex today? And I suspect that there's more going on here than just a response to the mushrooms. I suspect that there is and it is not a criticism, but, you know, probably more at play here than just a increased libido through mushrooms and for one, the vast majority of people, the vast majority of people are completely opposed to sex on a mushroom trip.



And if this is the if frustration is the main emotion that's coming out of this encounter, rather than just a, you know, loving acceptance of things as they are, at least in my experience, that was from an unhealed internal conflict.



Yeah. So, so that would be what like my response would be is like where else is the showing up for you, this feeling? And even if it's not in a in terms of the sex category of y'all's lives day to day, like where else might this be showing of this feeling?



So yeah, you're an answer. I'm really grateful for this question. It's not one that comes up a lot and love listeners writing in questions. We've got several more on deck that we want to keep coming back to, so please feel free to send us a message, particularly on Instagram. The best way to get hold of us and send a message through or emailing at one seven says at Gmail.



But yeah, it really would take a more complete conversation with these two individuals to get to the deeper into it.



Yeah, are more than integration coaches at sanctuary do you couples coaching have couples packages so something to consider.



Yeah. Can we talk about sex on other psychedelics.



Yeah ayahuasca. Yeah.



Hold on by birds. Oh, it's coming out the other end now. I can not imagine. I don't even want to. I mean, yeah, no.



I'm sure there's, I'm sure there's people out there who love sex on ayahuasca. Really. And I don't know much about microdosing ayahuasca, but I know that's a thing now, so I'm not sure what the effects of that are, really.



But for me, that's just like an even go in there. Not even close.



Yeah. I mean, there's something really important we need to touch on, which is consent and like, even melody is question. Like it's such a sensitive, engaging and psychedelics with ourselves and other people is such a vulnerable, sensitive experience. And even being like, close to someone, like as in, like within six feet of somebody can be really intense, let alone experiencing someone who wants to touch.



You can be really hard to even communicate that that's not wanted because it's so hard to find words oftentimes with psychedelics. So this is such an important thing to talk about. Like even if you're married to somebody, you've been in a long term relationship with somebody. Like everybody needs to know that it is hard to communicate and consent to an experience like that.






No. It's really important to.



Be in the peak of a psychedelic experience. And I mean, throughout the whole thing. Throughout the whole thing. But like, yeah, I've just.



You know, I had this one experience in Jamaica that you're reminding me of where there was, um, you know, a group of people that didn't know each other coming into the thing. And one of the individuals as the trip was coming on, a male went to a female as the trip was coming on and said, I really have deep feelings for you.



I want, I want us to have a relationship. And it was very kind of I wouldn't say pushy necessarily, but it was inappropriate, wrong, wrong place, wrong time, and it threw her for a serious loop. I mean, she didn't say anything to me until after the the session was pretty much over. Pretty much everybody was gone back to their room or eating and whatnot.



And a facilitator, a female facilitator came. Eric, I can you can be part of this conversation. Yeah, sure. What's up, Sarah? And she was telling me, like, so and so came to me right before the trip and said they, you know, were in love with me and they wanted to have a relationship and all this and it, it she felt violated and you know, that's a whole that that that topic of communicating deeply personal information whether it involved you know love interest or not as a mushroom trip was coming on with someone is really to be approached with serious caution.



You know, one of the things I try to always impress upon our ministers and clerics is that every thing, every word said, every sound, every the grass, the plants, the sky, the people, everything is an influencing factor. And we should really out of respect for the the sensitivity, the vulnerability, the confusion of these spaces, we should really, I believe, do everything we can to be to have as little of an impact on the people around us as possible.



There's a bit of a dance there, but, you know, especially in terms of physical serenity and, you know, oh God, we just live in such a hypersexualized world where women are still so horribly objectified that even the most innocent comment could send someone off completely railing.



You know? Yeah, this is just one reason why we include the many 1 to 1 space holding course. You know myself minister program for those who might be in the physical vicinity of someone having a mushroom communion. Mm hmm. Yeah. Um.



And it was a big part of our code of ethics is talking about, you know, not necessarily sexuality, but relationships in the sacrament space, you know, big, big topic. Lot to explore there before we get into that aspect, the boundary dissolution and the bonding that occurs. LSD is not necessarily incompatible with sexuality for me anyway. I'm thinking of the time in Jamaica when we did acid on the beach, so crazy.



We did Smells Day and we ended up we're like on the beach, like or slopping wet sand on each other. And then we're like rubbing it on our legs and it just like very quickly it was like, Oh my gosh, this is so sensual. And like, and then we had to then we stopped ourselves. We're like, Hold on, we're in public, we're on the beach.



And then we looked over and there was a Jamaican couple having sex over in the bush.



I believe, without psychedelics.



Yeah, yeah. I'm pretty sure by a lot of alcohol. I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah.



I mean, that is LSD is.



I don't know if we could have actually really gone there fully.



That's kind of what I was trying to like. How do I say like it? It felt very sexual, but, but the penetration and like, actually more activity could.



Have done it. I don't know. I think I could have swung at them but swung it. Yeah.



Well, yeah. I don't know how long I could have been there.



I don't know. Probably it might not have been very long, I don't know.



But it definitely felt very orgasmic and like, you know, if we're going to use the terms chakra, like chakras, just like being cleared out and opened up like whoop all over. Well, I think it's.



Worth noting the difference between sensuality in sexuality as well, right? Like just because something is sensual doesn't mean it has to be sexual. And there is there can be great enjoyment value in just that. Sensuality is what it's one of the things I like most about MDMA. I mean, MDMA is not a classic hallucinogen. It's not a true psychedelic, but it's often lumped in that category.



Yeah, it's a highly sensual experience. But to actually try and have sex, at least for the man, or they call it STEM or what does Emilio I've heard Emilio call it STEM dick stimulant stem, stem dick. Wow. And if you're stimulants because of stimulants, you can't get an erection.






Or, you know, here in Kentucky, they talk about whiskey, dick, drink too much whiskey and you can't get it up.



Right? Yeah, there's that.



So anyway, I mean, just I have really that's one of the things that MDMA and even that LSD experience have taught me is how to separate sensuality from the act of sexuality and the value of sensuality itself. And I know that I even I've brought that into our lives where I can appreciate much more, just like being sensual without it having to lead to sexuality.



Right. And we didn't really touch on this with mushrooms, but the experience, like following a mushroom communion, can be a really powerful time for people who are already in like a committed relationship to explore through each other. And that in that sense you will.



I definitely want to talk about that because the bonding that can happen, you know, after the peak of an experience is can be really valuable for couples. It can be valuable as well for maybe people who are dating, you know, but haven't been intimate. But as it gets into murky waters in terms of consent, and that's where, you know, you want to be as clear as possible.



And I think it can be difficult and especially a topic that we don't really talk about enough in our culture. Yeah, you know, but where I have I have seen issues with this, particularly on the retreats, and it's not been a lot, but I've seen it where, you know, maybe someone is maybe it's two single people or maybe it's someone that's in a relationship that's really maybe not doing that well.



And they have these powerful bonding experiences with someone else and then it gets interpreted as a sexual desire or that that's kind of the next step, you know? You know, and I think especially if it's strangers, if you if you're just meeting, you want to be really, really mindful and careful about that.



I have to say, like from my perspective, unless you are experienced in that space, like for me, if I meet somebody and we're having a mushroom communion together, say, or we're like, if I just meet, if I'm like in a relationship, if I'm dating somebody, say, and we have a mushroom communion together, like I'm at this point in my life with all that I know now and I've learned now and experiences, I'm a hard no on sex, like immediately following on the same day as a mushroom communion.



Get some.



Sleep, wake up the next day. Yeah, right. Still there, Right?



Exactly. But when we're still in like, that mushroom space. No, that's not. Yeah, it's just it's too is too challenging to communicate during that time. So if you're just getting to know somebody and experiences new together, safe to wait.



I've seen it cause real turmoil in relationships where, say, someone was maybe in a rough spot with their spouse. They met someone on a retreat. They felt this bond and this kind of infatuation, and then they go home and they can't stop thinking about that person who was on the retreat or whatever. And so there's a real cause for pause and all this and to take it slow.



Yeah. And then there's the whole, like, protection, peace and birth control and all that, which, which is pretty hard to navigate when you're tripping as well.



I'm still just blown away, ladies. Man. He's for God's sake, I am, I am utterly blown away. And, and this is a bit off topic, maybe, but how many stories I've heard from women about men that I ejaculated inside of them without permission, without asking, without conversation? What the fuck? Guys, stop. Control yourself. The that you are willing to have that kind of an impact on somebody's life without any thought is absolutely baffling.



So bit of a side note, but maybe falls under the category of protection and contraception.



I like to think you're preaching to the choir here, but it's.



You know I've I've been in.



Is shocking.



Astounded at the stories that I've heard from particularly your friends who share their experiences. I'm just like, oh.



Yeah, it's really completely unacceptable.






Completely, absolutely unacceptable. There's if you are somebody who really struggles with pulling out before getting concerned, you might check out like there's tantric practices to help you. I mean, seems to me like, Oh yeah, for you it is like a matter of training, I think. I mean, there's one thing so you can practice. Yeah, controlling that.



The impetus for that training, I believe, should come from a respect for the per the life of the person that you're being intimate with. Yeah. I mean, we know a number of women who are, you know, taking care of children now that were just completely irresponsibly brought into this world. So anyway, it's big tangent.



Not on psychedelic, not on the.



Legs still anyway. So yeah, I.



Mean that to show an.



Opportunity to make a PSA about all my homies out there that are just like, what the fuck?



And they are. Thanks.



Good job. So anyway.



So back to MDMA.



But back to the bonding. I was thinking back to the bonding. Not the bondage, but the bonding.



Oh, okay.



That's right. Because, I mean, I think that's something that I know anyway, that that is a part of the psychedelic experience that is not being talked about enough. And this is something that I have wanted to bring up for a while around the topic. You know, gosh, how far to go with this, you know, because. Well, all right, well, what I'm what I'm thinking about, we were in a very unique situation in Jamaica with the opportunity to see how small groups of people relate when they are in close community and are regularly using psychedelics.



And I think I can say that we saw bonds form and behaviors that would not have happened had mushrooms not been a part of the equation. Specifically thinking about the massive age gap between to employ years that ended up, you know, getting down on the rig and the reason I bring this up is because it's going to be it's going to be an issue as psychedelics become more mainstream.



It's I believe it's going to be very challenging, particularly because we don't have a healthy framework to discuss this topic. For the most part in our culture has to be really challenging to navigate these conversations and these relationships as we have more and more people who are working together intimately and are regularly consuming psychedelics together. Right? And then what do you do when those inevitable bonds form and people start to gravitate and it gets more and more difficult to maintain that self control?



So I don't know how much you want to talk about that and what your thoughts are on that. But in terms of psychedelics, sexuality, I suspect this is going to be a growing challenge.



Yeah, I mean, that's you brought up our code of ethics earlier with Sanctuary, and that's a major consideration within that code of ethics is having seen that whole process unfold for people living in community and having these powerful, transformative, transformative experiences together and seeing others like being it being a team and almost like a family, helping others have these powerful transformative experiences and which just require a lot of vulnerability and opening up together.



And it I think, is completely ridiculous. And it's just absurd to say that people in a community like that can't have relationships together, like at all for like the abstinence policy doesn't work. Not only this framework.



Is it encourages the opposite behavior.



Yeah, I'd encourage is hiding and secrecy which nobody wants here. So yeah with our code of ethics, there's like a very considerate approach to that whole scenario. Being a faith based community, a spiritual community. It's already really important for us, like with Sanctuary, this thing is we're building it for generations to come. This isn't just us, like for the next 5 to 10 years.



But yeah, this is like our children and grandchildren and their grandchildren and building things sustainable and starting to piece together a framework for that and living in community. And that's really like the goal sooner than later to be building that. So yeah, we have like suggested timelines and methods of communication and talking it out when we're speaking of are clerics and ministers and people who are holding space for our community members in which we are gathering together regularly every single week, sometimes multiple times a week in the local community in Kentucky.



And that's just going to grow around the country. So this is like people seeing each other regularly for years and years and years and years.



So vulnerable.



Yeah. And like God, I hope I mean, I will be You've already performed Three Weddings and I would be so overjoyed. I'd I will be so overjoyed seeing our members come together in love and like intention and relationship. And so we want that to happen mindfully and intentionally where everybody is being considered and respected. And there's of course consent is wrapped all up in that in mindfulness.



So but it can't happen with that conversation. Yes. You know, one of the big takeaways from from that experience down there is that, again, when people aren't allowed to openly discuss how they're feeling, then those feelings just fester and grow and become uncontainable. And so sanctuary, I just I just feel so privileged to have the experiences that we've had because we have so much insight into how this is going to look as time goes on.



And, you know, some people really value this information, this conversation. Some people maintain that abstinence mentality and that, you know, what's it called? Non nepotism. What's it called? What's it called when coworkers mingle? No, no.



It's not coming in right now.



Fraternizing or socializing. It's just it's just impossible. It happens in almost every office and almost every professional organization. So you throw in boundary dissolving substances and it's going to happen even more.



Yeah. I mean, if we look at like, let's just take a look at the Mars attack, people like what's their stance on mushroom consumption and sex and well.



This is a really interesting and I don't know a lot about it. I do. My understanding is that within Mosaic tradition, it was maintained and still is that you are you should not have sex for three days before and three days after a mushroom ceremony. And the traditional knowledge or teaching around that is that if you do, then you will lose a lot of the healing that would come.



Now, what my experience has been, especially after studying some of these tantric practices and mantock she is work, is that it really is more about the energy maintaining your level of energy. It's hard for most people, I think, to really conceive of.



So maybe like their Mars attack, people would be saying like a ejaculation or releasing the.



Orgasmic energy because because you'll find this in many, many cultures that sexual energy is the energy that is used for healing by transmuting sexual energy, which is the most powerful creative life giving energy that there is. It is the energy that creates worlds. It's all us, the plants, everything around us is a product of union. And to be able to take that energy and consciously apply it to it, to healing transmute, it is very real and very powerful.



And then after the experience, if you maintain that energy within your your system.



After what experience?



The mushroom experience. Okay, all right. So, so like, you know, going into an experience and I've I've have got so much I could say on this, but, you know, once I started to understand this from my own experience and I would communicate it with facilitators, particularly male facilitators, because I wasn't going to talk with female facilitators about their orgasm, but I felt more comfortable, you know, I felt more I felt more comfortable talking with it about with men that I had, you know, grown comfortable and familiar with.



And there is a massively noticeable difference in your energetic field if you, you know, hold that orgasmic energy and even even within the Dallas practices, 3 to 4 days kind of tends to be like the baseline of getting to your of normal level of energy. Right? And so I've I'm sorry, go ahead.



Yeah, I feel like like it's it's challenging to talk about publicly because we know that there's just huge amounts of of stigma around even talking about sex in general.



And I don't really give a shit about things, but I mean, well, okay, stigma. It's more like we don't have a lot of context for this. We don't understand that in our world we do. In the West in particular, we are materialist. We do not understand ourselves as energetic being first. And that's what.



I was getting at. Okay, yeah. Cut me off. All right, All right. So I'm like that. Like the stigma around, like, religious guilt and shame around sex, like, is one thing. It makes it really hard to talk about, to even try and, like, wrap our heads around, like, what that even means sexual energy. Because, like, for most people, and even like, including myself, despite all the conversations and that have been intentional, that we've had our own sexual energy.



And I'm like, I still I catch myself hearing that and thinking of it and in a materialistic way, like in an objectifying way instead of like a foundational life giving way because of my my not training, but like, programing my programing around sex and what it has to look like and feel like in that experience and that there's so much reprograming I have done and have yet to do.



So I'm just pointing that out for people listening that it's totally understandable. Like if you hear that term sexual and you're like, What the fuck is he talking about right now? If you haven't been immersed in becoming aware of your own programing around this, it can come off, I think, as sounding pretty. It can't come off as sounding objectifying for people that aren't thinking of sexual energy in terms of a life giving thing, and particularly when we're talking about it with psychedelics involved in like the whole thing of like even bringing in into a conversation around holding space with people and can I can definitely see that being pretty confusing.



What is he talking about right now?



A lot of people, a lot of people.



Will say.



Even touch it. I just you know, the visuals that I get of myself and through the experiences that I've had is the the like. We are in a bubble. You know, like this or feel field or this Taurus feel of energy and whatever you can just describe it, it or whatever you wanna think about. I've experienced it too many times and we may not have instruments that can measure it super accurately, but these are the traditions that are maintained for thousands of years and very old and wise cultures and their experiences that I had without being exposed to the information that we are, all of us, surrounded by a bubble of electromagnetic energy that emanates



first and foremost from our heart. But you know, this this whole column of energy that we are is in constant movement and if you do not release that energy through orgasm, then over time you can feel it build up. And if you did that Qigong practice at the Sacred Circle last week for Sanctuary and everybody there of 25 people, everybody said that they felt the magnetic push between their hands when we were doing these exercises.



Right. And that is, I think, the most tangible touchpoint that we have to evaluate our level of energy other than like, you know, just feeling like a lot of energy. But I have noticed for sure that when I am really cultivating that energy, as it's talked about in the Dallas practices, that it's that that magnetic push between my hands gets stronger and stronger and stronger and I can more sensitive and I can it's crazy how hard it can be just to push your hands together.



Right. And that energy, God, I'm like, given away some deep secrets here, but. Well, I mean, these are. Yeah, so. But that energy then through our intention and focus, can be transmuted and shared with others. And I have on many occasions seen immediate responses when and I only just consider praying for people when I have you know, I've spent there have been people, so many people that I've just spent hours and hours and hours just praying for them and just trying to send them healing energy, you know, whatever it is you need.



I don't know what you need, but here is energy that I'm feeling with love, and I'm sending it to you to do whatever needs to be done. The the energy is is of consciousness. It knows where to go. I am just a vessel.



And so you're sending it with your like your field, like, yeah, I'm like, you're sitting here and the person sitting way over there or they may even be in another location.



Or they may be three feet away or whatever. But yeah, yeah. I mean, I don't touch people when they're tripping. I ain't touch nobody. I don't want to disturb anybody. I don't want I don't even want anybody to know that I am meditating on them or praying for them or whatever you want to call it. You know, I just want them to be completely in their experience.



They don't they don't need to know. I know that this is pure intended love. And and I don't know what you need to heal. All I know is that I can be a vessel and a channel for healing energy. And I know that one of the most powerful ways to accumulate that energy is through not releasing it, is through maintaining it in your system.






So let me just finish it real quick. So building that energy going into a session for three days at minimum creates powerful, powerful force that can utilize for healing. And then after the session to again hold that energy, not release it through orgasm, and particularly allows it to really sink into you and and and become a deep part of your being and just kind of like completes the process, you know?



Yeah, well, it's all about serotonin receptors.






Sorry, guys. I'm sorry.



Well, I was going to say that, like, melody, just take that and replay that to your husband. Maybe. I mean, like, that seems like such like finding a like a a conduit, like a container for channeling that energy that he's experiencing. Maybe he just it would be helpful for him to have a context of what to do with it.



And maybe he thinks like because of lack of exposure and information that I got to like put it here right now. And maybe not I mean, not that you can do other things with.



It very wise. I'm really grateful that you said that you brought it back to that, because that just my heart says yes. Yeah. It's we've been we're taught that having a powerful libido is a problem. I mean, and, you know, like people want to talk about sex addiction and, you know, all this. You're too horny. La la la la la.



And the truth of the matter is, is the higher your sex drive is, then the more potential you have to heal to share that energy with others in a non-sexual way. And you can you know, that doesn't mean that you're going to be celibate. I mean, you know, we have lots of good lovemaking, but I choose to, as much as I possibly I choose to maintain that energy and and try to do other things with it in the world.



And as I do that, I'm less obsessed or less, you know, frustrated around not having sex because I'm doing something with that energy. And God, it is. It is just think just think about it like water or like air. Right? Air fills a balloon, but you can't see the air and energy is the same way, right? Your battery holds the charge, but you don't see the charge.



A magnet holds the the energy, but you don't see that. And we are that. And what we give our attention to is where we are, where we are putting that precious energy and not to harp on it, but just because it's such a thing, the the, the, the objectification, the the culture of porn, it is a vampire. It is sucking the life force out of people.



And, you know, as I contemplate what's next for me in life, I just I continue to come back to this subject being one of the most powerful for us to really take in as a culture and take in and apply into our lives so we can have healthier families, happier lives, healthier bodies. And that's just, just, just more fulfilled existence.



Fulfillment is not self-gratification. Fulfillment is helping other people. And so, yeah, Imelda, your husband can absolutely. I'm so glad you said that. You know, to bring it back to that, he can absolutely take that powerful, wonderful energy, the energy that he has and transmuted. And if he got it like immediately how to do that. You said that he has a lot of sensations of love.



He feels a lot of love in the mushroom space. Just keep coming back to that love. You know, I have while I don't really get into that chakra thing that much, just because it just my brain doesn't work well with it. I think all the yoga moms, you know, are sorry. Yoga moms? Yeah, maybe. Maybe not the yoga moms, but they are the flaky yoga teachers.



You know, they're like, Oh, your tracker's out of line. That's it's real. I get it. It's real. I'm not discrediting it. I don't love it. It's just like psychedelic. Some people turn it into a pop culture thing and it doesn't feel like there's a real substance to what I have been able to understand and experience deeply is what the the Dallas call the dancing in.



You have these three dancing in your lower downs in your sexual center. Your heart needs medicine in your head. And I can actually feel those when I get that magnetic push going. I can feel these locations. And so what I would suggest first off to your husband is to bring his awareness and his intention into his heart and just allow that love to radiate out.



You can pull that energy if you are constantly in a state of sexual arousal. Then there is tangible, quantifiable energy that is down there and you can, with intention, with breath, with attention, bring it up into your heart and radiate that out into the world.



Yeah, that's so powerful. So powerful. I mean, and even in general, like with emotions, um, it's such a powerful thing to come back to is like channeling that sensation. Like, like, I don't know, like back into the heart and, like, filtering it that way. Like bringing it back to the heart and giving it by with love to the world.



Like purifying it, putting it back out there to people is really powerful. Just like thinking of there was a couple of days in this past week or so where I just had rough days and frustration energy that I didn't quite understand where it was coming from. And it wasn't really until I finally went to a half yoga class that I was able to like move it and give it back to the world.



And the the teacher of the class, the non flaky yoga teacher. She was great.



As a hate mail. Yeah.



Yeah. I'm sure you were in insinuating all yoga teachers are flaky.



There's definitely some flaky yoga teachers out there.



There's all kinds of flaky people. So yeah, she just kept encouraging us throughout the hour to as were channeling energy and experiencing it moving, just like giving it back to the earth, giving it back to the people of Earth and our families. And like, oh, that helped me so much. I came out of that class and I just felt cleansed and clear.



And then I thought an online yoga subscription that I still don't use yet.



And you thought you felt different as well?



I felt so different, I suppose, in general.



That's what I was actually just working on before we started recording this podcast was, um, talking about in the Ministry of Training some of the assessments looking through and how, you know, any, any energy and anything we encounter, like you encounter a dark negative of energy or an evil energy or whatever you call it in the trip space.



It can all be transmuted, it can all be transformed with unconditional love. And the more I understand that for myself and apply that to myself and the more I'm able to share it with other people and I want to share it. And I feel like I can like be in more challenging situations and just smile into it and transmuted.



And I know that the longer I maintain my energy, that the more resilience I have in those scenarios and the more capability I have to absorb orb, love and transmute it.






So. Well, Melodie, thank you so much for this question. It has really opened me up into a conversation that I've been one to talk about a little more in depth and hopeless provided some value to those of you who are listening. Again, I know we know this is a pretty sensitive topic and there are some that won't touch it, but that's why we're here.



Yeah, this gives a little bit more juiciness to Valentine's Day.






Time. Yeah. Instead of just focusing on the box of chocolates and flowers to give to the person you love in your life, you can also.



Give them a non orgasm. Well, you know, as as you get, as you get into higher levels and practice with this, then you actually learn that you can take that energy and consolidate it within yourself. You can generate that energy through sexuality and instead of releasing it, you can, you know, kind of deepen it into yourself. And then after you get to a certain point where it's ready really to move.



But we live in a we live in a world where we're kind of always being enticed to deplete ourselves of energy watch and spending hours and hours watching TV or like, just like, just relax. Whatever we give our attention to, we're giving energy, too. And with that, I would like to say thank you so much for giving energy to us.



We're going to take that and we're going to do our best to transmute that and turn that into loving, productive community, building energy, creating better world.



Yeah, I hope you really enjoyed this podcast if you made it all the way to the end. Thank you. Thank you so.



Much. Thanks. So much.






It really is it really is a privilege to be not just this podcast. I mean, everything that we're doing, you know, that call that I got off of last night after the first mass of minister training call last night, I had 28 or so people on it. It just was God. My heart today has just been like so full of joy and excitement and really visioning what it is that we're building with with our energy and, you know, looking back on our lives together and seeing just how impactful our, you know, energy has been, I'm really, really grateful and really grateful that you have continued to stick by me through it all.






Yeah, me too. I'm envisioning continuing to put our energy towards our family and our community. And it's more of this.



Yeah. Yeah.



So thank you. I love you about that.






In next time.

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Not Your Guru
Follow Your Heart, Not My Words
Lifestyle and personal growth through the lens of psilocybin.

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Eric Osborne